Monday, August 10th at 8pm ET/7pm CT/6pm MT/5pm PT
The COVID-19 crisis has not gone anywhere. As states "reopen" and more workers are forced back into risk for corporate profit, workers across the country are joining together to fight and win better protections, higher pay, paid time off and basic dignity.
The anti-racist uprisings have made it more clear than ever that it is the multiracial working class that will lead the way during this public health, economic, and political crisis.
Join the Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee (EWOC) as we:
- Hear from Mike Davis, Bianca Cunningham, and Rosalyn Pelles on how we can take the fight for #BlackLivesMatter into the workplace.
- Learn from essential workers about organizing efforts and victories, including winning a $2 pay increase, back pay and paid time off for 250+ Taco Bell workers in Michigan!
- Hear from public service employees from UE how they are fighting for better pay and protections during COVID-19
- Find out more about EWOC, the exciting partnership between UE and DSA, and how you can support essential workers’ organizing efforts during COVID-19