Friday, May 14 - 7PM ET / 6PM CT / 5PM MT / 4PM PT
Since April 28, Colombia has mobilized against the Duque administration in what started as a national strike and became a nationwide mass mobilization. The state has responded to the mobilizations with militarization of the major cities, with tanks lining up along the streets and avenues. The riot police, ESMAD are now responsible for at least 37 murders and over 1700 cases of documented police violence.
What is the historic and political background behind the massacres, intensified militarization, and unleashed state violence? How are working class people, activists, and movements organizing and resisting? What are the diverse demands being made? Join us Friday, May 14 to hear directly from Colombian activists about the unfolding situation on the ground and how we can stand in solidarity.
Join Statement from AfroSoc Chicago and DSA IC: