Democratic Socialists of America

We have a world to win.

Democratic socialists believe that our economy should be built democratically, by and for working people, not by billionaires for profit. Already a member but switching to Solidarity Dues? Enter the email associated with your membership here and your current dues will be cancelled and updated.

Join at the rate of $25/month before November 4 to get the limited edition DSA Calendar!

February by Rachel Hunter Himes
February by Rachel Hunter Himes

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    Why use my bank? DSA now accepts ACH bank transfers (eCheck)! By electing to use ACH, you’re helping DSA put more money towards building the socialist movement, and less towards high credit card processing fees. In 2019, DSA had to pay over $120,000 to credit card companies to process dues and donations - make the switch to ACH today!
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    If you can’t pay today, that’s okay. DSA provides dues waivers as recognition of the economic struggles many of our members face every day being exacerbated by the pressures of COVID-19. Visit to learn more.

    DSA's privacy policy is available here. DSA's disclosure statement is available here.

    For a PDF form to mail in with a check, click here.

    Have questions about joining? Check out our membership & dues FAQ here.

    Contributions are not tax-deductible.

    Capitalism is the problem.

    Unaffordable health care

    More than 30 million American are uninsured. Life-saving drugs like insulin are made inaccessible through skyrocketing prices - lining the pockets of pharma execs and the politicians who protect them.

    Housing insecurity

    Over 18 million families spend more than half of their income on housing. Hundreds of thousands sleep on the streets every night. Our government doesn't consider housing a human right.

    A planet on fire

    Fossil fuel executives are running the show. By paying off politicians to look the other way, corporations get away with murder, making it hard for young people to even imagine a future on Earth.

    Racism and white supremacy

    We know our economic system is rooted in white supremacy, and the capitalist class depends on racism to divide and oppress the working class.

    A socialist movement is the solution.

    A better world is possible. On the national level, DSA is fighting for:

    A strong labor movement

    Workers who organize, mobilize, and strike together win together. We help build worker power.

    Medicare for all

    Single-payer health care, free at point of service - because health care is a human right.

    A Green New Deal

    We can take down the fossil fuel industry and save the planet with new, green jobs. It's a win-win.

    Socialists in office

    You've heard of Cori and Rashida - but did you know there are hundreds of DSA members in office right now?

    There's a million ways to be in DSA.

    DSA makes room for a variety of strategic approaches to fighting capitalism. Whether you're repairing your neighbors' brake lights, organizing a rent strike in your building, or fighting for public control of electric power, one thing is clear: We're stronger together.

    "I not only organize with them because they are effective, but because they have helped me become a better organizer. I've fought for certain changes at my workplace and won because of what I've learned from them. Their membership is some of the smartest, most dedicated, and kind people I've ever met in my entire life, and they've taught me so much. Before joining, I didn't have the language to express my politics, and I didn't have a theory of change or theory of power. It was very alienating and frustrating. After years of knowing other DSA members, and organizing with them, I'm able to not only understand the world better, but envision the world that I'd like to help build. They've made me a more capable instrument in fighting capitalism, and that's why I'm here."

    - John, DSA member, Water Plant Operator, New Orleans DSA